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Impressioni Personaggi Brawl, Mettiamo tutto in un topic
messagio 08 Feb 2008, 19:57
Messaggio #1

Swords > Laser Guns

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 253
Iscritto il: 02-Sep-06
Da: Hyrule (Se, magari... Toscano, provincia di Pisa)
Utente Nr.: 399

Ok, ho aperto il topic per discutere dei vari PG, visto che mi sono spesso trovato costretto a cercare info da sezioni a sezioni su Smashboards ed essendo un pò noioso tutte le volte girare topic, ho pensato di riassumere tutto quì.

Anche se ancora è presto per una Tier, intanto cominciamo a definire un le potenzialità dei PG, nei limiti del possibile.
Magari aggiornamo il post iniziale mano a mano (Ald usa i tuoi neo-poteri di mod per dare una mano ^^), o comunque vediamo di ordinare un pò le idee.

Comicio postando questo trovato su smashboards, postato da Hax:

ok guys, i have played the game with dav3 at pound 3 and i have come to the conclusion that:
-marth, falco and game/watch are all really really good, G/W has the best KO potential in the game from what i've seen
-falcon got nerfed hard lol

G&W sembra essere pericoloso stavolta, e C. Falcon non riesco a capire se sia tosto o meno.
Marth sembra che anche stavolta non sia meno di un High Tier.

Vediamo come va il topic, così facciamo qualcosa fatto a modo biggrin2.gif


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messagio 08 Feb 2008, 20:29
Messaggio #2

Smasher al tritolo

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 2328
Iscritto il: 24-Sep-05
Da: Cagliari
Utente Nr.: 256

cosa vuol dire nerfed?

QUOTE (Rael @ 13 Sep 2010, 02:38) *
QUOTE (Mamimi @ 13 Sep 2010, 02:23) *
Voglio dire, cos'ha una console più di una donna?
Il tasto off
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Lupo Solitario
messagio 08 Feb 2008, 20:33
Messaggio #3

Smasher artista

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 467
Iscritto il: 27-Jun-07
Da: Ventimiglia (IM)
Utente Nr.: 573

G&W in melee aveva delle buonissime mosse da KO, il suo svantaggio era che volava via come niente°___° probabilmente visto che in Brawl tutti resistono a percentuali più alte, si è lievemente sopperito a questo suo difetto^^

C. Falcon invece mi dispiace, am secondo me non combinerà più molto: non si riesce più ad alzare la gente col B smash e poi fare la ginocchiata o altri arial fighi.

secondo me tra gli High troveremo di sicuro: Marth, Falco, Fox, Wolf, Peach, Meta Knight, Sheik..forse Pit e addirittura Dedede che contro tutte le mie aspettative è un pg coi contro-attributi: pesa, quindi ce ne vuole per buttarlo fuori, ha chain grab, ha 4 salti e buone tecniche da KO

queste sono le mie impressioni, e se tra tutte le cose che ho detto ce n'è almeno una corretta, ringrazio il foro che mi ha reso un pò meno noob^^


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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 05:46
Messaggio #4

Smasher storico

Gruppo: Amministratore
Messaggi: 16397
Iscritto il: 02-Sep-04
Utente Nr.: 1

CITAZIONE(Wanicola @ 08 Feb 2008, 20:29) *
cosa vuol dire nerfed?

E' un termine stupido che è paritito dai MMORPG.
Vuol dire depotenziato.

Fondatore della Comunità Italiana di Smash =)

L'uomo ragionevole si adatta al mondo. L'uomo irragionevole pretende che il mondo si adatti a lui. Perciò il progresso è opera di uomini irragionevoli.
George Bernard Shaw
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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 08:50
Messaggio #5

Apprendista Smasher

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 31
Iscritto il: 19-Oct-07
Da: Messina
Utente Nr.: 1061

Riporto da altrove.
Confermo Metaknight come mio main temendo una sua ghettizzazione come Pika e Kirby in SSB.

Combo divine.
Grab giù (se l'ho interpretato bene) multihit figo.
Priorità assurda su un'infinità di mosse.
Aerial divini.
Velocità brrr.
Edgeguarding spettacolare.
Mosse speciali altamente adatte a far parte delle più svariate combo.
Abilità di cornering dell'avversario semplicemente premendo il caro vecchio A pressoché infinita.
Recovery allucinante.

Non oso immaginare un ipotetico Metaknight di Isai.

Dedede non mi è sembrato po icosì tanto forte, Lupo. Ok la chaingrab che ho visto fare anche ad un altro pg ma non ricordo quale =_=), ok la pesantezza, ma mi è sembrato troppo lento e certe mosse hanno un lag non indifferente. Boh, magari non proprio Bottom come avevo detto, ma non può brillare moltissimo IMHO.
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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 09:47
Messaggio #6

Discreto Smasher

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 292
Iscritto il: 14-Jul-07
Da: Taranto
Utente Nr.: 596

Important! The sub-rankings do not make up the overall ranking! It is not always an average!!!! It's important to understand their usefulness. Some characters just outplay others. thanks!

Credit to Meta-Kirby to the ranking idea. Credit to Lonsar for recovery adds.

Mario's attacks are weak, and hard to connect. His cape can still be used for recovery, while the downB(Now Va.) is not as helpful. His fireballs are better, and he's a bit faster. All around, a downgrade.
Edit 1: Mario's Cape seems to have a unnoticed, almost invisible longer range. This give the ability to dodge more smash attacks. But with the addition of multiple airdodges, it's not as important. His natural combo works well with jabcanceling into the cape, but if powershielded, he will get grabbed. +1.0
Edit 2: Ariel moves have great comboing ability, and fludd is good for edge gaurding. Still not as much potential as Luigi. +1.0
Power: 6
Combo ability: 6
Speed: 5
Knockback: 4
Weight: 5
Recovery: 9 With Fludd from up high. 7 otherwise.
Rating: 6/10

Maybe the most improved. He's a beast. Faster, Stronger, and way more able to combo. Not much lag on landing, so big step over those laggy characters. Without L-canceling, luigi seems more viable for a 1st place finish in a tournament.
Power: 7
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 6
Knockback: 6
Weight: 6
Recovery: 10 (If you can tap fast enough)
Rating: 7/10

Balanced as hell. Float Canceling is still around, but her ground moves have gotten a bit of a nerf. Her ^tilt is fantastic now, and her SideB seems usable in combat! Turnip are not as good, as they disappear if they hit shields. Downsmash is the biggest nerf in this game.
Edit 1: Float canceling is not in the game. He bair and Uair have no lag, but if you miss the Fair, you're in trouble. Found more use in her ground game with Fsmash and dtilt. +.5
Power: 7
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 4
Knockback: 5
Weight: 6
Recovery: 8
Rating: 7/10

Faster. A lot faster. UpB is still gross as hell, but without l-canceling, you have to make sure you hit every move. If you miss, prepare to get punished. Tilt attacks seem stonger, and the upair is a lot more rewarding when you land it.
Power: 8
Combo ability: 3
Speed: 2
Knockback: 8
Weight: 9
Recovery: 5
Rating: 5/10

Improved. Fast, still strong. The probelm is, people stay alive for a lot longer, so donkey kong's Uair won't be comboing to death. Just don't play with Final Smashes on. His is the worst.
Edit 1: DK's Bair, and Fair are close to Broken. His DKpunch has been nerfed, but his recovery is improved. The DB, and SideB are still close to useless. But his combo-ability is top notch. + 2.5
Power: 7
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 6
Knockback: 6
Weight: 7
Recovery: 6
Rating: 6.5/10

Diddy: (Mained by crew member: Ninja Edd)
Viable for best in the game. FAST. Strong, and has priority. Banana game keeps his metagame impossible to read. Huge recovery, and multiple, easy to use spikes. He is the new Fox. Straight forward.
Edit 1: With it made easier to grab items from the air/ground, the bananas can be used against him in the worst way. Has trouble with smaller characters. (Trust me, it's baaad) -1.0
Power: 7
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 9
Knockback: 8
Weight: 5
Recovery: 8
Rating: 9/10

Yoshi. is. (Still.) the. worst. All moves have been nerfed, it seems. Still no recovery. No DJC makes him to slow and easy to kill. Without DI Airdodging, he's a joke.
Edit 1: His double jump has half as many juggernaut frames as melee, however, he can use his UB two times. His Uair, and Bair have no lag on landing, and the Bair does pretty sick damage. The Fsmashes range was decreased, but it will ko at around 110% all in all. +2.0
Edit 2: Bair combos increase the game further. easy to link into smashes for kills. +1.0
Power: 5
Combo ability: 5
Speed: 5
Knockback: 4
Weight: 5
Recovery: 3
Rating: 4/10

Master of DI. He's fast, and moderately strong. Lack of a good moveset makes him somewhat unplayable. A lot of KO moves. gooood in teams.
Edit 1: Wario is the master of the air. He can chain throw, and recover with the best of them. His moves combo into finishers EXTREMELY well. + 2.0

Power: 5
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 4
Knockback: 6
Weight: 4
Recovery: 8
Rating: 6/10

Link is much faster, but all your safe, normal Melee combos are gone. Back air is weak, and not good for comboing, while his fair is fast and has no landing lag. His boomerang doesn't do damage on the way back, only drags them towards you. This is a mixed blessing. They don't get stunned. They just hurt you. It's a shame. UpB is nerfed, and he dies a lot earlier than other characters. Hookshot comes out faster, but it's short, and more lag if you miss.
Power: 5
Combo ability: 5
Speed: 5
Knockback: 5
Weight: 5
Recovery: 6
Rating: 5/10

BETTER! Oh god, it's like she's a character now. Din's Fire is ****ing massive, and Forore's Wind is much easier to manage. Her attacks combo better, and her up-air is useful as hell now. Her kick is harder to sweetspot, and Naryu's Love is Smaller than she is, but trust me, she's better. Her DB is no longer the best move in the game. lolz
Edit 1: Din's fire is even better than we thought. Hyphen dashing (As Ryoko predicted) is far broken. Zelda is VERY good in this game. Forore's Wind hurts hurts when she reappears. +1.5
Power: 7
Combo ability: 5
Speed: 4
Knockback: 8
Weight: 4
Recovery: 6
Rating: 7.5/10

It's Shiek. No needle canceling, but they stun more now. The whip is a tether recovery. her Dair spikes now. She's... Shiek. Without gimping, she loses a lot of her game, but hell. Burn down works just as well.
Edit 1: Under further review, her Nair, Fair, and Bair have lost some KO ability. Her Dair is only usable half the time. -1.0
Power: 6
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 8
Knockback: 5
Weight: 6
Recovery: 5
Rating: 7/10

Without L-Canceling, he's just... Hard. Like Bowser, if you miss, you're gonna be in a world of hurt. His Valcano Kick has a suction effect in the front, and his warlock punch is faster. Without the extra jump after the DB makes his recovery terrible. Honestly, he's not nearly as strong as he should be. Shame...
Edit 1: His sideB can suicide kill! He can tech chase better than any character so far, and he has a lot of power. smaller characters can be killed at low %. Strongest in game overall. + 2.5
Power: over 9000
Combo ability: 2 (with tech chasing, 7)
Speed: 3
Knockback: 6
Weight: 8
Recovery: 4
Rating: 6.5/10

Toon Link:
Wow. WOP Bairs. High Jumping. Tether Recovery. Fast. Good Projectiles. TL is a force to be reckoned with. He won't die unless he hits a wall. He's light, and will die early, but man, he's everywhere. He can combo for a long time, as well. His moves just seem to... Link. lol Anytime someone picks him, be afraid.
Edit 1: Can 0-death a lot of people. Viable for best in the game. +1.0
Power: 7
Combo ability: 10
Speed: 8
Knockback: 8
Weight: 5
Recovery: 8
Rating: 9.5/10

Bad: You can't do any attacks out of bomb jumping until you're clear of it. Tether recovery won't over lap edgehogging. Her Nair is nerfed. Utilt is much slower.
Good: Powerful. Charge blast is faster to charge. Can use the whip in the air multiple times. Fair is easy to combo into/out of. Dair is faster.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 6
Knockback: 7
Weight: 7
Recovery: 9
Rating: 8/10

Zero-Suit Samus (ZSS):
Weak. Moves have low priority. Only has tether recovery, so she gets edgehogged easily. Her Dair stuns, but only in front, and with small range. Neutral B's range is terrrrrrible. She does have good comboing ability, and she's flashy, but overall, she's fun, but not overly useful.
Power: 4
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 7
Knockback: 4
Weight: 4
Recovery: 5
Rating: 5.5/10

Pit: (Mained by crew member dmbrandon)
My personal favorite. Bow game is too good. Both SideB and DB can reflect profectiles. Recovery is bananas. Can glide, and attack quickly. Moderate speed, and strength. All moves come out quick *** hell, and do okay damage. Pit is a beast in the right hands.
Edit 1: Pit can be gimped during his UB. If he is hit during the animation, he cannot do it again, kliling him. SB won't help, and jumps will be gone. -1.0
Power: 7
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 7
Knockback: 7
Weight: 5
Recovery: 10
Rating: 8/10

Possible the strongest in the game. Slow, and hard to keep together/desynch properly. Without WD'ing, they're hard to get into attacks. No more chaingrabs means the loss of their major damage output. Side B's recovery has been nerfed, and it's harder to do damage with the UB. Nana and Popo can both grab the ledge now. (Thank christ.)
Edit 1: No combos! Slow, and the approach is just AWFUL! Viable for worst, right now. -1.0
Power: 8
Combo ability: 5
Speed: 4
Knockback: 6
Weight: 3
Recovery: UB: 7 SB: 5
Rating: 5/10

R.O.B.: (Mained by crew member ChimpStyle)
ROB is slow as hell. While the slowness limits him on the ground, his UB makes him one of the best in the game. His Nair is prioritastic, and all his moves are high priority, good knock back, and good damage. He has a 19% damage projectile, that can kill... That disc is too fast. Beware the old school.
Power: 8
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 4
Knockback: 8
Weight: 8
Recovery: 10
Rating: 8/10

I do not play kirby, and don't want to. I encourage others to give me feedback. I'll take it into consideration, and maybe play him down the line. Sorry Kirby fans.
Rating: ?/10

Man, he looks cool. Keyword: looks. He's fast, and his combos are nuts, but he lacks the ability to KO. Only his Dsmash, Glide attack, and UB seem to get it done, and they're hard to land. One of the best teammates, hands down. His B moves all send him into falling state, which harms him greatly. Plays like 64 jiggz a bit, but without the rest.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 7
Knockback: 3
Weight: 3
Recovery: 7
Rating: 6.5/10

Don't listen to other people. He's amazing. He took Marth's grab range from melee. He can chaingrab. He has a projectile that can star KO at 65%. He has 5 jumps, and a higher UB than Kirby. Did I mention that he's so powerful, he's broken? Oh I didn't? Oh, well then. He is god**** powerful. And quick. His tilts come out rapid fire. Lord knows a heavy character needs to be top tier, but will the Spacies let it happen? Only time will tell.
Power: 9
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 4
Knockback: 8
Weight: 5
Recovery: 10
Rating: 8/10

Ever see someone do 100% in less than 7 seconds without items? I have. Or should I say seven people. Pikman and Olimar are the warlocks of this game. spamming damage over time, and strong blasts everywhere. He's hard to read, and his UB can keep his opponents at bay. Honestly, he kinda scares me.
Power: 10
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 5
Knockback: 6
Weight: 5
Recovery: 3
Rating: 8/10

I'm sick of the **** spacies taking spots on the top tiers of smash. Fox is powerful, and fast. His new blaster does more damage and it's faster. He still has his Dair Shine, even qithout L-canceling. You can still shine people off the edge, over and over. His Usmash is nerfed, but he has Falco's Fsmash from melee. (power included.) His UB got ze nerf a bit, but the sideB is longer. With time, I'm sure he'll be the best in the game. he always is. v_v
Edit 1: God****it. Broken as hell. Nair shining works like crazy. Can combo against walls with ease. triple lasers do decent damage, and he can still gimp like he's getting paid to. +1.5
Power: 7
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 7
Knockback: 8
Weight: 6
Recovery: 7
Rating 8.5/10

Note: There are no clones. If you haven't seen a video of him, go do it. He has a new moveset. His old combos don't work, but he has a slew of new ones. He can shtill shl approach, but it's slower. You can also SHDL, but only against a jumping opponent. His shine now boomerangs out in front of him, and does decent knockback. His Bair can edgegaurd better than any other move we've seen so far.
Power: 7
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 7
Knockback: 8
Weight: 5
Recovery: 6
Rating: 8.5/10

Wolf: (Main to crew member Space)
Scary as hell. Fast, powerful, and has decent combo ability. He can gimp with his shine, like Fox, and plays the ground with anyone. He's right along DeDeDe in terms of how hard it is to approach him. His Blaster does 5% per shot, and it's easy to hit. His sideB spikes, and his UB is like Fox's, but it's instant. Odds are, he'll be winning tournament left and right.
Edit 1: KO moves hard to hit on smaller characters. Easily edgehogged. -.5
Power: 9
Combo ability: 6
Speed: 7
Knockback: 9
Weight: 7
Recovery: 7
Rating: 9/10

Captain Falcon:
Without l-canceling, he's just sad. He's knee's sweet spot has a smaller hitbox, and he Dain no longer spikes. His speed was taken down to give Sonic the limelight. IMO, he's too slow to match his melee counterpart in anyway. Nothing about him got better, that I've seen, except the gentleman is easy as pie. As I've said before: Shame.
Edit 1: Caps Uair has no lag upon landing, and ith the addition of his Usmash being KO material, and hyphen smashing, caps combo ability has become majorly apparent. +2.0!
Power: 7
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 9
Knockback: 7
Weight: 5
Recovery: 5
Rating: 7/10

Hell yeah. DB can be spammed like hell. His Dsmash is the new Peach Dsmash. Rapid A attack edgegaurds like a Royal Army, and his UB is so easy to nail, you would think the CPU was doing it for you. I am pleased to announce that Pikachu is awesome. Rejoice!
Power: 7
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 7
Knockback: 7
Weight: 5
Recovery: 8

Pokemon Trainer:
Squirtle: Hangs with diddy in speed and priority. Good recovery, and easy to handle. Lightweight, and low power make him a little less than what he could be.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 7
Knockback: 6
Weight: 4
Recovery: 6
Rating: 7.5/10
Ivysaur: Easy to handle, and powerful. Strong keep-away ability, and good ko power. Bad priority, and hard to grab with.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 5
Knockback: 6
Weight: 7
Recovery: 3
Rating: 7/10
Charizard: Strong and combos are nasty as hell. Okay priority, but slow in the air without gliding, and up is easily gimped.
Power: 8
Combo ability: 6
Speed: 4
Knockback: 9
Weight: 8
Recovery: 8
Rating: 6.5/10
(21/10! OMG!)

Mewtwo did it with a monk, and had a baby. That baby is wacky as hell, and shoots beams. His name? Yamcha. I mean Lucario. Great air game, but smashes are not as good as most others. UB is fast and useful, and his DB is a counter that does decent damage. His moves stop the inertia of the character, and makes him hard to approach. His low KO ability, and smash range weaken him, but still playable.
Edit 1: The more damage done to Lucario, the Stronger his moves! + .5 (Credit to Wolf Pup)
Power: 4 to start off, at over 100% damage it's 8
Combo ability: 6
Speed: 6
Knockback: 6
Weight: 4
Recovery: 6
Rating: 6/10

Rest? I don't think so. It doesn't even kill at 50% anymore. It does, however, add a lip's stick flower to do extra damage. WOP has been nerfed slightly, and he smashes gained a new startup lag. Sing's range has been increased. I'm saddened by the new puff, as she seems outmatched in high end competitive singles.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 6
Speed: 6
Knockback: 6
Weight: 2
Recovery: 8
Rating: 6/10

Well god****it. He's just as good, minus the grabs. Best Air Game. Period. His smashes are just as powerful, and sideB has a place in matches now, regardless though it's not helpful in recovering. No further explanation needed. Again... **** it.
Edit 1: Marth's range is just not as good. His attacks link well, but not like his melee counter part. Neutral air cannot attack above as well. NB recvoery only good if you have a second jump. Side b recovery is terrible. -1.0
Power: 8
Combo ability: 9
Speed: 8
Knockback: 10
Weight: 6
Recovery: 8
Rating: 8.5/10

Ike: (Secondary to crew member Ninja Edd)
Slow, but with some advanced techs, he turns into a monster. Great edge game. His counter is no joke, and his Utilt is probably the best in the game. His costumes are sweet. (Whatever.) His Side B can be used as a form of recovery, and mobility around the stage. He's Much too fast to be so strong.
Power: 10
Combo ability: 5
Speed: 4 with side B dashing- 7
Knockback: 9
Weight: 7
Recovery: 4
Rating: 7.5/10

Ness is amazing. His Nair is still prioritastic, although his Bair has been nerfed. (In sweetspot hitbox, and power) His bat's trajectory is almost a straight line, and the yo-yos do actual knockback now! His back throw has been cut down, but the forward throw is better than his melee Bthrow!!! PK Fire does insane damage and can combo into ANYTHING, and PK thunder is a move now! All in all, Ness has gotten waaayyyy better.
Power: 7
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 6
Knockback: 7
Weight: 4
Recovery: 6
Rating: 7.5/10

Lucas: (Secondary of crew member dmbrandon)
Lucas' Dair is nonsense. His PK FIRE comes out fast and does huge knockback. His neutral B is easy to land, and powerful. His Fsmash is fast and powerful, and his Usmash, while hard to land, may be the strongest in the game. Also, he has the best taunts. No lie
Power: 7
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 6
Knockback: 9
Weight: 5
Recovery: 7
Rating: 8/10

Mr. Game & Watch:
He lost his parachute. His main form of KO is gone. ugh. Other than that, He's the same old G&W. Same strength and awesome combo ability, but without l-canceling, it makes the box harder to use. His new Nair doesn't have a lot of knockback, but it does decent damage. The bucket spill does better damage and knockback. On a fun note: sausage/bacon debate can stop, because he's throwing chicken legs, bacon, potatoes and a whole mess of other things at you. <3
Power: 7
Combo ability: 7
Speed: 6
Knockback: 7
Weight: 4
Recovery: 7
Rating: 6.5/10

Snake: (Main of crew member Space)
Snake is just weird. As we've seen, when you get him down, you're a monster. The sheer adaptability of his character makes him the most balanced to any matchup. Strongest projectiles in the game. Bad air game, but it's strong as hell. Natural combo can ko, along with any attack in the air, or smash. Beware.
Power: 10
Combo ability: 3 (with mines, 5)
Speed: 3/4 ish
Knockback: 9
Weight: 7
Recovery: 8
Rating: Who Knows/10

From what we've seen, sonic is easy to play, but hard to master. You're gong to need more than three days to understand this guy. Easily shield grabbed. Has wonderful priority, and a great UB. I can't rate Sonic, because we haven't even seen his early potential. As of right now... He could be the Best in the game. Or even the Worst.
Power: 6
Combo ability: 8
Speed: 10
Knockback: 5
Weight: 5
Recovery: 8
Rating: ?/10

Bah,da Smashboard,ma non so quanto possa ritenersi attendibile...

Serpico sull'aggiornamento del 4/12/07(XDDDDDDD):
Giornata del cazzo a scuola, torno tutto incazzato e trovo questo. Poi dici perche' i ragazzi di oggi sono violenti...

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+Quote Post
messagio 09 Feb 2008, 13:54
Messaggio #7

smash di chitarra nel muso

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 2392
Iscritto il: 15-May-05
Da: casa di tu sorella
Utente Nr.: 187

è bello vedere come ad ogni informazione postata si possano trovare contraddizioni..

secondo me la gente per ora è tutta solo confusa....


(tark a me) sembri un londinese in trasferta a firenze
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+Quote Post
messagio 09 Feb 2008, 14:11
Messaggio #8

Apprendista Smasher

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 31
Iscritto il: 19-Oct-07
Da: Messina
Utente Nr.: 1061

Non mi fido di uno che idolatra Olimar :°D
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+Quote Post
messagio 09 Feb 2008, 14:21
Messaggio #9


Gruppo: Moderatori
Messaggi: 10846
Iscritto il: 11-Apr-06
Da: Padova
Utente Nr.: 333

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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 14:35
Messaggio #10

Fratello Segreto di Azen

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 6581
Iscritto il: 26-Nov-04
Utente Nr.: 99

quella lista lì è fatta da cani.. stando a sentire Marc pare che l'unico pg veramente più forte degli altri sia per ora Marth. Gli altri dovrebbero essere più o meno equilibrati anche se per ora sembra ci siano degli "scaglioni" in cui radunarli. Perchè per esempio Pit sembra avere più possibilità di Mario o che so io. Quindi a mio giudizio le cose stanno così:

Marth regna incontrastato

personaggi buoni: Metaknight, Peach, Pit, G&W, Jigglypuff, Diddy, R.O.B., Lucario, D³

di tutti gli altri non so dirvi nulla. Alcuni come Snake, C.Falcon e gli Ice Climbers sembrano non offrire molte possibilità, altri invece sì per esempio Falco e i Link.
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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 14:45
Messaggio #11

Discreto Smasher

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 292
Iscritto il: 14-Jul-07
Da: Taranto
Utente Nr.: 596

CITAZIONE(Aldwyn McCloud @ 09 Feb 2008, 14:35) *
quella lista lì è fatta da cani.. stando a sentire Marc pare che l'unico pg veramente più forte degli altri sia per ora Marth. Gli altri dovrebbero essere più o meno equilibrati anche se per ora sembra ci siano degli "scaglioni" in cui radunarli. Perchè per esempio Pit sembra avere più possibilità di Mario o che so io. Quindi a mio giudizio le cose stanno così:

Marth regna incontrastato

personaggi buoni: Metaknight, Peach, Pit, G&W, Jigglypuff, Diddy, R.O.B., Lucario, D³

di tutti gli altri non so dirvi nulla. Alcuni come Snake, C.Falcon e gli Ice Climbers sembrano non offrire molte possibilità, altri invece sì per esempio Falco e i Link.

Infatti io l'ho solo presa da Smashboard,dicendo anche di non essere per niente certo di un suo riscontro con la reale situazione...
Tanto per vedere cosa si scrive già in giro sui personaggi...XDDD
E concordo con Kala! nel dire che,per ora,c'è una confusione enorme... angelic.gif

Serpico sull'aggiornamento del 4/12/07(XDDDDDDD):
Giornata del cazzo a scuola, torno tutto incazzato e trovo questo. Poi dici perche' i ragazzi di oggi sono violenti...

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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 15:00
Messaggio #12

Smasher storico

Gruppo: Amministratore
Messaggi: 16397
Iscritto il: 02-Sep-04
Utente Nr.: 1

CITAZIONE(Aldwyn McCloud @ 09 Feb 2008, 14:35) *
quella lista lì è fatta da cani.. stando a sentire Marc pare che l'unico pg veramente più forte degli altri sia per ora Marth. Gli altri dovrebbero essere più o meno equilibrati anche se per ora sembra ci siano degli "scaglioni" in cui radunarli. Perchè per esempio Pit sembra avere più possibilità di Mario o che so io. Quindi a mio giudizio le cose stanno così:

Marth regna incontrastato

personaggi buoni: Metaknight, Peach, Pit, G&W, Jigglypuff, Diddy, R.O.B., Lucario, D³

di tutti gli altri non so dirvi nulla. Alcuni come Snake, C.Falcon e gli Ice Climbers sembrano non offrire molte possibilità, altri invece sì per esempio Falco e i Link.

guarda, non sono convinto nemmeno di questo, anche se sono d'accordo sulla lista che non dice molto.
G&W non mi sembra diventato improvvisamente così forte wtf, ha perso persino il suo tilt basso. Lucario anche non so fino a che punto. Aggiungo che Luigi mi sembra ottimo.

Fondatore della Comunità Italiana di Smash =)

L'uomo ragionevole si adatta al mondo. L'uomo irragionevole pretende che il mondo si adatti a lui. Perciò il progresso è opera di uomini irragionevoli.
George Bernard Shaw
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messagio 09 Feb 2008, 15:06
Messaggio #13

Fratello Segreto di Azen

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 6581
Iscritto il: 26-Nov-04
Utente Nr.: 99

Luigi è migliorato il ritorno ma non so dirti altro. Lucario con la storia del potenziamento delle mosse in base ai danni e lo shffl personale avrà un pillar devastante. G&W avrà pur perso il Dtilt ma ha un buon ritorno, è nel complesso più veloce e ha qualche combina buona. Può fare lo stalling con l'Uair e unisce agilità, velocità, priorità e disjointed hit box per un gioco di aerial che promette bene.
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+Quote Post
messagio 09 Feb 2008, 15:23
Messaggio #14

Roy has TEH PH1R3!

Gruppo: Moderatori
Messaggi: 9721
Iscritto il: 03-Sep-04
Da: Roma
Utente Nr.: 21

Isaac e Roy >>> quella plebaglia di nuovi pg

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+Quote Post
messagio 09 Feb 2008, 15:24
Messaggio #15

Smasher di qualità

Gruppo: Membri
Messaggi: 545
Iscritto il: 27-Jun-07
Da: pordenone,friuli venezia giulia
Utente Nr.: 574

avete trovato dei video di Luigi o di altri personaggi che si vedono molto poco?



CODICE BRAWL:0430-9802-9070
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